Bring Me To Life: Looking Back at Chapter 94 of Chainsaw Man

Call Chainsaw Man weak and he proceeds to take down Makima’s Special Fifth Division. Some of those from the latter group, who was built up as a strong foe to Denji, became insignificant fodder at the present day.

Yet again, I fail to understand the rational nuances of Chainsaw Man. On the other hand, I can understand the contents of the fight happening between Denji and Makima in Chapter 94.

As Makima and her army approached Denji on the massive graveyard, she resuscitated an additional force consisted of zombies by summoning the Zombie Devil, giving her one final edge before the start of the fight. Those zombies easily took their crosses and gripped them as one would a sword so they can swarm around Denji at the call of an order.

Standing clad in the middle of the entrapment and carefully observing the premises, Denji hunched down and dug his chainsaw arms in the earth, and lifted a massive chunk from behind him. The length of his chains extended beyond a mile as the gigantic mass of rubble stunned all of Denji’s adversaries—except for Makima of course.

Denji flung the colossal earth that was chock full of hard dirt and corpses to Makima, but it was smashed out of protection by Katana Man and That-One-Guy-Whose-Head-Closely-Resembled-The-Logo-Of-Team-Vitality-An-Esports-Team-From-France…I mean, Knife Man. But immediately after the pair deflected Denji’s initial heave, the latter flung in for a brisk follow up and slashed them to impairment.

From Page 7 of Chapter 94

But while Denji was stuck in the air for a few seconds, Harpoon/Spear Man dove from behind and pierced him right to the heart, laying a critical hit to the protagonist’s health—literally copying the events of their previous encounter on the city skyline. This time around however, Reze and Whip Girl leapt at Denji to support Harpoon Man so they could deal one last blow. Fortunately for Denji, he deduced their ferocious attack just in the nick of time so he spread out his limbs and sawed the three foes simultaneously.

From Page 8 of Chapter 94

Where did this newfound power and spatial awareness come from for Denji? In the beginning of the story, Denji mustered his strength by wielding a small hammer and struggled against traditionally feared foes such as the Bat Devil. Now, he’s fucking around by flipping and shit in the air, extending his chain at an endless limit, and withstanding an unforgiving succession of damage.

Soon after fending off Katana and Knife Man, Denji was suffocated by Makima’s zombies as they piled on top of him and denied him not even a spare of breathing room. As Makima observed Denji getting ravaged by her zombies, she was chimed by the words of Flamethrower Man about her former dog’s physical state, which was a rehash of what she said moments before.

From Page 10 of Chapter 94

As it has been mentioned multiple times before, since the Chainsaw Man that Denji is upholding is no longer feared by the public, his resultant power was diminished to a modicum of its old size. It was through this circumstance that Makima finally defeated Chainsaw Man, to which she reiterated in this chapter by saying that “there’s no need to fear him anymore” and how he’s become “a merchandised character for consumption,” that which coincidentally echoed the sentiments of real-life readers for the series.

However, unlike the people within the story, the readers have seen the other side of Chainsaw Man, or rather Denji. They know that he’s a reckless, good-for-nothing, and lewd person who’s steadfast on indulging himself in the world’s riches at the first opportunity given. Readers are aware that Chainsaw Man is a front to Denji’s existence, whereas the fictional crowd is unaware of the subject. Regardless of the fact, Denji is transcendently adored through the combination of his heroic traits and brute flaws. But the one underlying difference between the readers affinity for Chainsaw Man and the fictional crowd’s is its adverse effects on their hero. Unfortunately for the real-life cohort, they can’t interfere with Denji and his fight with Makima by propping up his strength.

From Page 14 of Chapter 94

However, the story of a grassroots protagonist besting innumerable odds for the betterment of society wouldn’t fold to a horde of zombies—not to mention him being set ablaze by Flamethrower Man. Instead, they rise up from their predicament and neutralize the threat. Attaching his chains with a pair of crosses set on the ground like a slingshot, Denji shot himself out of the zombie pile and lunged towards the hostile Makima. Fortunately for her, the person formerly known as Quanxi stood at the ready for protection, though it came at the cost of her and Flamethrower Man’s life.

Nevertheless, there was some solace for the vanquished foundational devil hunter because as she was getting beheaded, she punctured Denji’s middle and upper torso. Though Denji withstood an inordinate stream of attacks from Makima’s army, the total damage he suffered proved to be too much for him to withstand, forcing him to collapse at Makima’s steps.

But as someone who thrives in control, superiority, and solidifying one’s relative inferiority to her, Makima wasn’t going to allow Denji to rest. She just witnessed her dog, the same one whose consciousness was extremely exacerbated to her will, defeat her army of zombies and seven hybrid goons by himself.

From Page 18 of Chapter 94

Allowing Denji to supplant her previous disposition of dominance over Denji will cause her to perceive him as a veritable threat and fear him as a result, thus regenerating an influx of power back to him. That “devil that devils fear most”? That devil is Chainsaw Man, and if one remembers the type of living being Makima is, she’s a devil, ergo she fears Chainsaw Man, ergo she wants to defeat him at her own hands to gain that physical and mental edge.

Since Makima is adamant on stamping her manipulation down yet again on Denji, she will fight him one-on-one, mano-a-mano, devil against devil, world-altering fiend against world-altering fiend, to do it.

Man, when did the story go off the rails to the point where the stakes has risen to world-changing levels?

A Fight From Out of This World: Looking Back at Chapter 88 of Chainsaw Man

First off, let me apologize for being tardy on posting this piece. I spent this past weekend covering the group stage of the 2020 League of Legends World Championship. I would normally write up the Chainsaw Man review a few hours after reading it for the first time on Sunday, but I couldn’t skim through one page without finishing my prior commitments. Now that I’m finished with that stuff—well, for at least the next four days—I can return to business.

What else can I do but agree with Makima’s hunch from last chapter.

This week in Chapter 88 of Chainsaw Man, after tolerating multiple attacks across various fronts, the Chainsaw Man finished off Makima and whatever remained of the Public Safety Bureau Special Division 5, thus temporarily settling the score between the two parties.

The devil never broke a swear while subduing his adversaries. He acted like it was a rigid and mundane fragment of a nine-to-five job. “No big deal here, everyone. I’m just some devil going through the motions of my job without fail,” is what he would say if he found someone gazing at him from a distance a la the tricycle kid from The Incredibles.

From Page 1 of Chapter 88

Oh, he’s getting ambushed by Flamethrower Man from underneath? No problem. He blithely jumps out of the apartment building to dodge the attack.

But wait, just when he touched down on another rooftop, Whip Man made a quick jab at his back. That should be another cause for trouble, right?

From Page 3 of Chapter 88

C’mon, man. It’s a whip. The most it can do to Chainsaw Man is make him think about how harsh his reply should be.

From Page 5 of Chapter 88

What about Reze suddenly lifting Chainsaw Man up in the air by grabbing his gut-scarf?  Based on the success of her last aerial attack, this newest iteration would surely follow suit in similar prosperity. Taking consideration of the city’s proximity, she prudently took Chainsaw Man high in the sky so she could unleash her bomb attack.


From Page 6 of Chapter 88

Seconds after getting caught by Reze, Chainsaw Man freed himself from her clutches and swiped through her body, chopping her up to pieces. All Reze did in her short window of opportunity was accelerate her second death story-wise.

From Page 7 of Chapter 88

But what about Spear Man and his precise heave that directly pierced Chainsaw Man’s heart when he was stuck way above city skyline? Well, while the damage suffered from the blow was indeed critical, Chainsaw Man still had the wherewithal to process his pressing situation which was getting more dire by the second. Nevertheless, at that moment, he remained in one piece so nothing terrible of not had happened.

And Hiro Shishigami from Inuyashiki?  Taking advantage of the pause created by Spear Man, he blasted Chainsaw Man up to the edges of Earth’s atmosphere and into outer space.

From Page 9 of Chapter 88

Whoops, what I meant to say about the shooter’s identity was that it was Makima. Sorry about that mess up. I’ve been doused with so much emotional torture by this story that I can’t correctly recall certain people from specific series. The only thing both had in common were those finger guns.

And it was by those cursed finger guns of Makima that Chainsaw Man found himself stuck floating just outside the Earth’s orbit and quickly losing his breath. At this rate, since Chainsaw Man is fabricated by Denji’s physical body, it would only take a few seconds before his lungs give themselves out in desperation to breathe. No option seemed to be available for the unbeatable gatekeeper of hell.


In a scene that nobody expected to see, Chainsaw Man took out his heart—in other words Pochita—from his body and chucked it back down to Earth. Then, as Chainsaw’s heart returned to the ground like a blazing meteorite, he regenerated his body back to normal—which by itself is a nice callback to Chapter 25 of Fire Punch when Agni dropped his head from the sky to regenerate. It bears without saying Chainsaw’s heart is undoubtedly the focal point of his power and that everything revolving the turbulent global search for it gained legitimacy.

Then, with Chainsaw’s health back up to speed, he wrangled all of his enemies with his weapon’s chain, gathered them together in a heap, and decapitated them to signal the end of the chapter.

You can whip Chainsaw however many times you want. You can spear him. You can endlessly shoot him with finger guns. You can suffocate him in space. You can do anything. All that it will do is leave a smidgen chink on his indestructible shield of power. Even the most deft of plans, like what Makima did to Denji throughout this story, won’t stop Chainsaw Man from incurring his wrath on anyone that dare glance his way.

But as Makima was sliced yet again by Chainsaw Man, Makima strangely didn’t express any concern. There was no sign of fear in her eyes. There was only elation. She was enjoying it. That itself is strange until one remembers what Makima said to Kishibe in Chapter 84.

From Page 15 of Chapter 88

She did say that her dying at the hands of Chainsaw Man was her ultimate dream, but with the factor of her immortality taken into account, that dream won’t be easy to realize. She can die however many times and she will still return good as new. However, that trait will preserve her safety as long as she doesn’t get eaten by Chainsaw Man. Once she’s eaten, then it’s game over. The same awareness of danger can be said for her lackeys residing in Division 5. They were killed just like Makima, but they weren’t eaten following their deaths. If Chainsaw Man was sharp, he should eat his enemies before they recover and the threat altogether. But as long as they’re not consumed, the battle between him and Makima will persist indefinitely.

Notwithstanding that immortal trait, Chainsaw Man has once again in this chapter that his existence befits an unconquerable beast. Not only can he traverse Earth and hell, he can also defeat a vast number of devils and overwhelm them with his raw strength.

From Page 17 of Chapter 88

All the same, there’s still remains a problem regarding his superiority. Chainsaw Man can whoop as much ass as he please because he was awakened out of Denji’s mental destitution. Denji is so far gone and tired in his emotional despair that he delegated to Pochita the control of his body. When Chainsaw Man was in FAMILY BURGER and remembered one of Denji’s goals, that act of mental recollection was done by his friend and not the 17-year-old young man himself. What good is there in basking at Pochita’s true form if there’s no discernable resolution for the protagonist? In that case, the series will just dumb down into a nihilistic gorefest filled with unceremonious massacres.

While lamenting on Denji’s predicament, I tend to look back at one panel during which he looked back on all the women he met and how they treated him with hostility. Battered by the frustration of not finding love with any of them, he made an impassioned plea for genuine affection.

“Everybody’s after my chainsaw heart! What about my heart!? Denji’s! Does nobody want that!?”

Denji (From Chapter 47)

The longer this fight goes the sorrier I feel for Denji in being stuck by all the bickering, politicking, and subsequent bloodshed happening around his artificially fused heart. His emotional core yearns for sincere appreciation. He wants to be loved like everyone else in the world.

Alas, since he is burdened by the weight of his friend, he might as well be eons away from that goal. Through hell and back, Denji can’t escape.

They Had Us in The First Half: Looking Back at Chapter 87 of Chainsaw Man

Going by the non-plussed demeanor of Makima’s newly ordained Public Safety Special Division 5 from the last chapter, it was believed that their fight with the Chainsaw Man-slash-Pochita would have been an even affair.

Makima dubbed her squad the “Weapon Devils and the Four Horsemen,” a pretty hefty nickname that necessitates respect. The weapons used in the group consisted of arrows, spears, flamethrowers, bombs, katanas, knives, and whips. Of the three that previously acquainted themselves with Denji, they showed their distinctive potency.

But the result in Chapter 87 ended up being a farcry to the hopeful notion for parity. The Chainsaw Man stomped on Makima’s group without an ounce of neither mercy nor respect.

After Makima finished recounting about her hostile past with Pochita, he stuck his tongue out in total defiance. He evidently saw this as a waste of time. And by the chapter’s end, he killed three members of the group and left Makima smiling stoically over the sheer hopelessness that the fight levied against her. One can’t call this the encounter a fight. This was a tumultuous massacre.

Even so, how was it possible for such a fight to even play out since Makima said her goons were consumed long ago by the Chainsaw Devil? Though their nature—ergo the subject they represented and the title they bestowed—was utterly erased, their existence remained. Furthermore, it was implied by Makima that their individual defeats happened before the big confrontation between herself and the Chainsaw. This alleges that those seven members and their devils were artificially resuscitated by the Public Safety Chief. In other words, Makima brought them back for her own benefit.

It’s not surprising when one takes a deeper look into her puppeteering maneuvering. She took Reze, Katana Man, and Quanxi took prison and did things that ultimately resulted in their converted personalities while keeping their contracted devils. Makima does have a track record in reworking individuals and turning them into her minions. Arai comes into mind, Kobeni’s former partner who turned into the Violence Fiend after getting killed during Katana Man’s raid. Aki Hayakawa can be added to the mix also. Albeit alleged, Makima defeated the Gun Devil by using his contract with the Future Devil. After the battle, she ordered the defeated devil to possess Aki’s corpse and have it go fight Denji, thus advancing her plans of Pochita’s summoning. By complementing her restorative and consciously altering powers, Makima creates the kind of soldiers Special Division 5 currently make up.

Another source of evidence about Makima’s involvement in the manipulation of devils lies with Reze. When she unleashed her Bomb Devil form outside of the Bureau’s headquarters, Beam, one of Denji’s buddies, repeatedly cried out “Bomb!” as a warning. That led to Aki threatening the shark fiend with death because he wondered why it knew about the devil’s existence. Seeing as Pochita defeated the Bomb Devil once before, it would’ve been a given for ordinary people to forget about the concept of bombs. However, it stayed in Aki and the rest of Public Safety’s consciousness. It’s as if it’s a confidential patch of information that’s kept within the highest level of society.

Chronological-wise, Makima said she and the Bomb Devil fought against Pochita before the start of the main story which is headed by Denji. In light of Makima’s recent disclosure, could it be that the Bomb Devil was actually a plant of reconnaissance she laid out to globally search for Pochita? She knew about the Bomb Devil even as it stayed embedded within Reze while she served for the Soviet Union. Does the same story play out for Katana Man and Quanxi? Is this assertion a 1,000 IQ prediction or a trivial claim made by an immersed writer? One wouldn’t pit it against the proverbial representation of control for shrewdly maneuvering such a front.

Searching for the legendary Chainsaw had been one of Makima’s integral goals in this story. Just when her battle with Pochita reached its climax and possible victory, he suddenly disappeared and regressed to a “completely changed, near-death form,” which was evident by the dog form he took in the beginning of the story. Amidst the trickling rain, he crawled out of the side of a tree and miraculously found Denji grieving over his father’s death. He was bludgeoned, bleeding heavily, and on his last breaths. Had it not been for Denji’s help, Pochita would have died right then and there, thus paving the way for his return to hell and allowing Makima to land the finishing blow.

Searching for the legendary Chainsaw had been one of Makima’s integral goals in this story. Just when her battle with Pochita reached its climax and possible victory, he suddenly disappeared and regressed to a “completely changed, near-death form,” which was evident by the dog form he took in the beginning of the story. Amidst the trickling rain, he crawled out of the side of a tree and miraculously found Denji grieving over his father’s death. He was bludgeoned, bleeding heavily, and on his last breaths. Had it not been for Denji’s help, Pochita would have died right then and there, thus paving the way for his return to hell and allowing Makima to land the finishing blow.

Denji didn’t know the significance behind Pochita’s unusual emergence and depleting health. Driven by his genuine empathy, he saved and eventually became friends with Pochita. In looking after the Chainsaw Dog, he found someone he could comfortably confide in and share his feelings and dreams to no matter how absurd they sounded. Unlike Makima, Denji isn’t clever enough to make a plan that involves manipulating Pochita like a puppet. He just lucked himself into a brimming friendship. But when Makima finally found Denji in his Chainsaw Devil form inside the abandoned warehouse, his and Pochita’s fate was locked in stone.

As the result of their elongated battle is pending, Makima made it a mission sure to groom Denji so she can summon Pochita’s true form. To ensure no interference, both Denji and Pochita had to stay within Makima’s strict surveillance. The potential for Pochita’s revival drives home the cruelness behind Denji’s apparent entrapment. Every fraction of Denji’s new life was done in consideration for Pochita’s return. By and large, his life of luxury within the Bureau was a farce. His social life was engineered to ensure his eventual suffering. Had it not been for his fusion with Pochita, Makima would never have given him the time of day. The only aspect that shows he’s actually needed is his physical body that functions as a vessel. He’s an unforeseen consequence of the conflict between his residential friend-slash-demi-god and boss-slash-actual-control-god.

With the stage set and everyone who participated in the first main battle now back, Makima ordered the Special Division 5 to attack Chainsaw Man. After converting into their devil forms, the group simultaneously jumped towards Chainsaw in a cluster.

From Page 9 of Chapter 87

In response to Division 5’s attack, Chainsaw Man stood sharp in front of the looming threat. Just as the enemy was within an arm’s length of Chainsaw, he kicked two adversaries, Quanxi and the knife being, across multiple buildings with his hypersonic speed and decapitated their heads off, fully flexing his superiority over them. In a scene that befitted a return of debt, Quanxi, who had cut Denji’s head off in Chapter 70, was paid back in kind by Pochita this time around.

From Page 14 of Chapter 87

Soon after, Katana Man stealthily followed Chainsaw and stood behind his back in preparation of his special finishing move of dashing through foes with his swords. While Katana Man did cross Chainsaw with his katana swords in wake, his attempt was immediately offset by the latter’s immense strength. In mere milliseconds, Chainsaw Man deflected Katana’s quick offense, sliced Katana’s head off, and returned to his stationary pose. He continued clowning on those puny fools, leading Makima to say a few words at the end of the episode.

From Page 16 of Chapter 87

Funny as it sounded, when Makima acknowledged Chainsaw’s strength, she didn’t look perturbed of the fact. She must’ve already known the difference in power between both sides prior to the fight’s commencement. She displayed some confidence in taking down the Chainsaw Man herself in front of Kishibe. Maybe she has a backup plan already in place and was just testing how it would fare by using Special Division 5 as a measuring stick. Based on the current situation, that might just be the case. Regardless, the future relies on the remaining four members of the Special Division 5 as they look to repel Chainsaw Man’s auspicious position.

Loving Makima Is Back on the Menu: Looking Back at Chapter 86 of Chainsaw Man

Finally, after all the sadness, gore, and dark comedy, Chainsaw Man has returned to its roots in the latest chapter of the story, the foundation of loving Makima unconditionally.

Loving Makima had been Denji’s chief incentive for the majority of his story. It was through her presence and involvement that he was able to work tirelessly in the Public Safety Bureau. Whereas tackling difficult battles may have been difficult for some, Denji took them all in stride since vanquishing them meant he was getting closer to his goal of doing whatever he wanted with her. Ignoring Denji’s evident mental trauma, he could move forward if she was in close proximity.

Unfortunately, Denji’s hope of building a relationship with her was savagely dashed as she revealed her true intention of enslaving him for the “Day of Reckoning”. To restore his broken heart and mind, Pochita took control of his friend’s body and embarked on a crusade throughout the city to fulfill Denji’s invaluable dreams of eating an edible burger and going out on a date.

During the chapter’s first half, Pochita somewhat managed to make them a reality. Upon finally receiving the burger from Kobeni Higashiyama after she spilled it onto the floor twice, he slowly ate every piece and cherished the food. By the end, with his taste buds satisfied, Pochita expressed his delight with the burger by his sticking his tongue sticking out of the mouth.

After finishing the burger, Pochita was reminded by Denji’s other dream of wanting to have a date with a girl. Noticing a sobbing Kobeni in his field of vision, he wrapped her around his intestinal scarf and took her on an impromptu date.

Only the ways of the world can decide what happens between them. The pair finds an ice cream truck and have themselves a soft-served cone, to which Kobeni gave her honest thoughts on its flavor after some licks.

The surreal scene is a direct callback to Chapter 56 when Kobeni ate ice cream with the Violence Devil. Back then, Kobeni thoroughly enjoyed her snack since it came to her working partner’s goodwill.

After spending time together in the Bureau, she had built enough rapport with him that they became friends. She was so relaxed and loose with him that she mustered enough strength to talk about her past and emotions. This time around, that wholesome atmosphere is nonexistent. She’s more occupied with fearing for her life than enjoying the contents of the date.

A lone devil hunter tried to ease the tension by saving Kobeni from Pochita’s clutches, but his head was promptly sliced off. Such is the existence of the extra character. Next, Kobeni is taken to an arcade dance machine outside of a store where she was forced to play it. She tried to reject his demand by citing her inability to dance, but that was inevitably upended.

While she was immersed with the dancing, Pochita sensed hostility from a distance as if someone was spying on him. Responding to the caution, he moved to confront it, thus sparing Kobeni’s life and concluding the date.

Soon enough, Pochita then finds himself inside a circle of people. Their leader, Makima, had fully recuperated from her wounds. She was back, ready for vengeance, and—most critically—supported by seven new subordinates. In observing each member of Makima’s newest band, it becomes quickly prevalent that for some, they had already met Denji and Pochita in the story.

From Pages 15 and 16 of Chapter 86

Alongside four debutants are the return of Reze, Katana Man, and Quanxi. After each member had been taken into captivity by Makima, they had resurfaced under a new light with their minds completely refurbished and their spirits strangely rejuvenated.

Reze previously worked as a spy for the Soviet Union. Raised as a child soldier, she knew nothing about the world other than the conformity of duty. She was sent to Japan on a mission of stealing Denji’s heart from Makima’s grasp, but it ultimately failed. She had the chance to escape from getting apprehended but decided to run back to Denji out of pure affection and the hope of running away with him. In meeting Denji, she found a deep connection with him. They both had rough upbringings. Neither had an innocent childhood. Their struggles reverberated on the other. Soon enough, in the time in which she could’ve killed him, her feelings resonated in love instead. She could have talked about all the changes she felt to Denji had she reached him in the café, but after a short encounter with Makima, that was shot down.

Katana Man attempted to steal Denji’s heart by ambushing the latter in a restaurant soon after the latter started working in the Bureau. Although his mission was done on account of the Gun Devil, it was also a bid for vengeance as it was Denji who killed his gangster grandfather in Chapter 1 without knowing that he did so in self-defense. The attack was strict and firm as it handed many casualties to the Bureau. After the ambush failed, Denji and the rest of his newly christened Division 4 partners invaded Katana Man’s hideout and captured him for Makima. Before Katana Man was sent to her, he was famously a part of Denji and Aki Hayakawa’s special tournament of physical retribution.

Quanxi, otherwise known as the first devil hunter in recorded history, was an expert assassin that resided in a league of her own. In her many years as a killer, she had developed a frightening reputation in which no defense was feasible in curtailing her advances. Amazingly, she started her distinguished career as a member of Public Safety. She was even Kishibe’s first ever partner. Eventually, she went rogue from the Bureau for undisclosed reasons and then traveled to China and became an assassin. It was there where she met her four female underlings whom should would then take for the expedition back to Japan.

Makima converted those three people into her servants and virtually erased their original personalities. Their former selves are officially dead by her hand. Whatever ill-will or appreciation they had for Denji is now irrelevant. The only person they’re paying attention to is Makima. They all love Makima. All they need is Makima. In their words, since Makima saved them from unspecified trouble, they must equally repay her kindness with their own. If by change, they meant getting subjected to ferocious manipulation, then that will count.

However, there’s an ominous correlation intheir constant gratitude for their salvation. That lies solely on Aki Hayakawa. It has been known that Aki holds a romantic affection towards Makima, but he doesn’t remember when and how that came to be. Furthermore, in Chapter 3, his debut chapter, he had been grateful for her contribution to his life.

It’s a bizarre remark since the event of Makima helping Aki recover from his tragic childhood was never revealed. However, it does bear credence through the words of other people that experienced the assistance from the Public Safety boss. Remember the Violence Devil in Chapter 56? Her saving him was the only memory he can muster as a fiend. From this, it can be deduced that Makima, in controlling one’s power, can also control their consciousness and memories.

Comparatively, their love to Makima is more pronounced than what Denji showed. Actually, with the context of her power now disclosed, their affection is absolutely fanatical. What one sees in Makima’s newest band of misfits—their disposition and the like—is not what they have always been. Reze loved Denji. Katana Man resented Denji. Quanxi thought nothing of Denji other than when he became integral to her work. All that matters now for them is to defeat his Chainsaw Man form so their boss can fulfill their wildest of wishes.

From Page 18 of Chapter 86

Fully aware of their desires, Makima entices them further with the promise of a date should they defeat Chainsaw Man. It’s an ironic twist that calls back on Makima’s promise to Denji of letting him decide what he wants to do with her should he defeat the Gun Devil, the first and supposed main foe of the story. The times have changed and it is the Chainsaw Man who’s first on the list of devils to defeat. Additionally, Makima’s small but imposing force now hold Denji’s former spot as the unrelenting simpleton.

The result of the forthcoming battle is up in the air for everyone involved. While Chainsaw Man bears an edge on his absurd power and speed, Makima’s squad doesn’t seem perturbed by the gap he has over them. They looked relaxed and confident of their chances. Cockiness usually curses the one doing it but it can also serve as a gesture of a person’s strength.

Blindly loving for Makima was a trait that had been monopolized by Denji since he first entered the Public Safety Bureau. Though harnessing some doubts of his contributions to the Bureau and its boss, he was eventually persuaded into doing Makima’s bidding with a promise of love attached to his efforts.

It was this naïve adoration that carried Denji until his demise in her apartment. Soon after, with Pochita taking control of Denji’s body while in his newest hybrid form and Makima’s true essence revealed, that pretense was dropped altogether. Now though, Makima has returned with a great force in tow to neutralize Chainsaw Man seeing as he has become uncontrollable to her liking. The means used to ensure her desired ends doesn’t matter in the slightest to Makima. If it meant bringing back old foes and friends and distorting them to destroy Denji, just like what she did to him against the Gun Devil, then so be it. Loving Makima certainly has no bounds.